Lynnette O'Neill Lynnette O'Neill

How to be YOU

It all begins with YOU.


You be, YOU is about YOU finding what makes YOU happy and pursuing Happiness without regard to the negative triggers that surround YOU.

Instead of becoming angry, upset, and/or depressed because another does not share your views, values, character, and beliefs, YOU allow that person to be THEMSELVES by adhering to the principals of: You be, YOU.

For example, if someone wants to support Trump; Biden; Conservative values and beliefs; Liberal values and beliefs; in person voting; not wearing a mask; All Lives Matter; Black Lives Matter; Fox News; CNN News; BBC News; police brutality toward POC; gun control; becoming an anti-vaccination person; slavery “was what it was” or “necessary”; ignorance in the horrors involved with colonization; the demonization of the LGBTQ+ community; peaceful protesters equaling rioters; tear gas & violence being used on American citizens; strict Immigration laws and enforcement; gender bias; denying climate change; the history we were taught that was mostly written by the oppressors; denying science; Christian beliefs; Pagan beliefs … Anything that is a mental trigger of negativity for YOU.

YOU allow the person that triggers YOUR negativity to be themselves by stating out loud or internally “You be, YOU.” Then YOU can let go of the negativity because YOU have mentally volleyed the triggering negativity back to the source.

These three little words will free YOU from the personal triggers that surround YOU and allow YOU to Find Your Happiness and Smile.

Everyone has a right to be the person they want to be, and Everyone should respect each other’s views, values, character, and beliefs that differ from their own. To release yourself from the negative triggers in this crazy world, just follow the principals of these three little words: You be, YOU.

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Lynnette O'Neill Lynnette O'Neill

Positive or Negative?

January 2021

“You be, YOU” is more positive than negative. The use of “You be, YOU 😊” in an online forum may seem as if you are hurling an insult at someone: YOU are not. The goal is to find what makes YOU happy and to pursue Happiness without regard to the negative triggers that surround YOU. Therefore, “You be, YOU 😊” is about taking control of YOUR life and shedding the negativity around YOU to achieve a neutral or mostly positive existence.

To prove the phrase is mostly positive. Here is an example of where “You be, YOU 😊” may be used to boost someone’s spirit.

A person seems to have quite a bit of negativity surrounding them. Their online posts are mostly negative, they complain often, they just seem to be having a bad day, week, month, year, etc. “You be, YOU 😊” may be directed at this person in order for them to shed the negativity that surrounds them and for THEM to focus on being THEMSELVES. They should find what makes THEM happy and pursue Happiness without regard to the negative triggers that surround THEM.

Of course, the phrase is most often used to boost YOUR OWN spirit by mentally volleying the triggering negativity back to the source. In some ways, the above use of “You be, YOU 😊” has a dual effect: (1) Hopefully, it will boost the spirit of the individual in which it is directed; and, (2) It will boost YOUR spirit by not allowing YOU to succumb to their negative energy and it will also boost YOUR spirit because YOU may have helped another take a step toward Happiness.

You be, YOU 😊. Find Your Happiness and Smile. Ultimately, the Positive or Negative connotation is up to YOU.

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Lynnette O'Neill Lynnette O'Neill


March 2021

Are you smiling?  The internet is filled with educational resources detailing the Power of a Smile.“When you smile, your brain releases tiny molecules called neuropeptides to help fight off stress.”“Science has shown that the mere act of smiling can…

Are you smiling?

The internet is filled with educational resources detailing the Power of a Smile.

“When you smile, your brain releases tiny molecules called neuropeptides to help fight off stress.”

“Science has shown that the mere act of smiling can lift your mood, lower stress, boost your immune system and possibly even prolong your life.”

It is very difficult to frown when looking at someone who smiles. “Why? Because smiling is evolutionarily contagious and we have a subconscious innate drive to smile when we see one.”

Tiny smile molecules are now running through your system. That smile on YOUR face may help someone within your general area release their own tiny smile molecules and Smile with YOU.

Go through your list whenever you are presented with a personal trigger.

Immediately, lift your mood and lower the stress associated with that trigger simply by SMILING. Happiness will inevitably follow. You be, YOU 😊

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